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Nueva Vida is a barrio in Ciudad Sandino, on the outskirts of Managua.

Nueva Vida means "New Life." It derives its name from families who sought a 'new life' here after their homes were destroyed by hurricane Mitch in 1998. Thirty years later... it remains a slum on the edge of a garbage dump from which many of the community scavage recyclables to survive.


Mother Teresa said, "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is truly the most terrible poverty."


In Nueva Vida there are many vulnerable and marginalized children. Their deepest, most heartfelt need is to be loved, welcomed into family and community, and encouraged to be all that God made them to be.

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. - Deuteronomy 15:11 

The mission that Amparo longs to share with you is simple. As you join us in serving the lives of families in Nueva Vida, you are helping share God’s love and the message of the gospel—bringing hope to people in both practical and spiritual ways.


What some see as a problem... we see as an opportunity. We equip compassionate young Christians in Nicaragua to walk alongside those who walk alone: to love, welcome and encourage the most vulnerable children and orphans, in their own communities.


In Nueva Vida, we help, intercede and advocate for the rights of those living in extreme poverty. We build trusting relationships over an extended period of time by loving people unconditionally. This means going and meeting them where they are at. We share the love and gospel of Jesus Christ, pray for, counsel and disciple people.


We provide emergency food, clothes, shelter, medicine and medical assistance. We provide access to education through sponsorships and organize fun outings to activities many of these kids would never have access to!



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